"Auto" is the last installment of the exhibition series ”Auto Bios Grapho”: a body of work which equally functions as a visual dissection of the concept of the autobiography, and a meditation on lineage. In an attempt to find an emotional meeting point of the personal and the structural, Joline Uvman merges various types of languages: the material, the written, the pictorial, and the mathematical. With photography as the ultimate medium this body of work consists of three photo series with sculptural features.
With ”Auto”, the written word is introduced, further expanding and tracing down the meaning behind the works seen in former installations. In the first installment ”Grapho” (meaning “write” in Greek), drawings of “static” graphs with a constant curve and no values has gone through several photographic processes: from drawn to scanned, and lastly photographed with a medium format camera. In ”Bios”, three images were presented in a gesture to grasp the word “life”: a root; a window sill leaning towards a wall; and a magnified section of the edge of a photo negative, creating a landscape within the image and the “non-image”.
In this installment 20 photograms of texts have been produced by exposing light sensitive paper to the screen of a laptop, where the direct transferring of the screen enhances both the presence of the writer, and writing as an act. Written in a fragmented manner, this text takes on the word “auto” (meaning “self”). Through mathematical concepts, starting with the hypotenuse (the diagonal line in a right-angled triangle), a figure of thought is drawn that navigates through female characters, stories and myths. "She" becomes a figure that denotes an extended interpretation of the word "auto": “the Alone”.
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