Mateas Pares: Could you tell us a little bit about the background of the drawings?
Sanna Albenius: As a child, I discovered sexuality quietly on my own. My first memory of something sexy was the handles of my Hippity Hop — since the handles looked like two penises — so I really loved that ball and I used to milk it. Later on, me and a friend found porno magazines in the bushes. We looked through them not knowing what we saw — but we liked it enough to care for them. Weirdly enough though cleaning them in a small stream close to my friend’s house - way too close, since her dad found them — since we hung them to dry in the trees next to her house. Through my art, I’m trying to go back to this type of premature sexuality and actually talk about it. My series ”Things That Look Like a Heart l–lll”, stems from my revelation; that the tip of the cock looks like a heart — but upside down. Since then, I have to draw everything that looks like a heart; hearts that a girl-child loves to draw.

Things That Look Lika a Heart l-lll by Sanna Albenius
To the exhibition COCKS!
Sanna Albenius on Artworks
Interviewer: Mateas Pares